19.03. 2006 Munich, gr. Elserhalle
The Darkness / Doomfoxx

okidok, this time we start from the very beginning and from down under....- I mean Australia, because that's the country from where this supportact is coming from. Holy shit, I'm standing in the photopit and have the impression, the Backstreet Boys are coming on stage in a minute. Honestly my eyes don't discover not a single male in the first row. But I'm not sure, whether these girlies squash themselves to jam for Doomfoxx or more than less for the mainact The Darkness. :-)))
The australiens are here for the third time in Europe, and they should start thinking about moving over here. Because I presume, their popularity is a bit higher in Germany, than in their home country. Or am I wrong? 
Musically this band is loud, dirty and not quite as mad as their collegues of Rose Tattoo including little Angry, who's aura stands for the image of this group. This comparison is not fetched from to far away, because Doomfoxx guitarist Mick Cocks is actually beside his job here, also occupied with Rose Tattoo and the other way round. And so it naturally feels and sounds somehow related. 
Musically Doomfoxx rides the same direction, like their famous statussymbol from the land of the aporigines. But, - and that's the point, they are still not as wellknown, not quite so original and most of all - still not a legend. But whatever ain't yet, it still can happen one day - as we say so over here.

Most of all - some kinda hymn like 'Rock'n'Roll Outlaw' is missing yet, a song, which gets stuck in our brains, which becomes a symbol for the group, where every fan is waiting for at a show to sing along with. That's what they still need for their final luck. - so right now each song goes along with the next one in one row,  hard rockin', straight through the eyes and down and dirty... but with no click, which takes care, that the melody digs itself into our memory. Got me? Combining this appearance here with the usual disadvantages, a suppportslot usually is fighting with,  I'm talking about too less power and too less light, it doesn't really drive us into ecstacy.  Though in my opinion, I think, this band  would come so much better along, playing a headliner show in a smaller club with a smaller crowd. Because they still rock very much...

Oh yes, before I forget, what's up to the girlies in the frontrow, who are starring only in one direction, but not towards the two youngsters in the band righthandside on stage, and also not focusing the frontman, but much more looking at the, a bit older, but still youthful guitarist on the left, who seems so much concentrated and not realizing, what's going on in front of him... But somehow he seems to have an aura, that even George Clooney degenerates to Godzilla. Just kiddin'

Over all, this here is a pretty decent gig with no heights and depths, including  it's earthy Rock'n'Roll, but there's still some little anything missing, if you know what I mean, at least whats up to a show in such a big venue and of course the music...

                                                                      click on Diary for Aftershow Pics  & more Live Pics of Doomfoxx you find  here

..... and then they came, saw and won... The Darkness, once again freshly importat from Great Britain. How shall I describe it?! To be honest, - standing just a jump away from the archangel Justin Hawkins, he seems to me rather going a bit in the other direction, if you know what I mean... 
But I don't wanna say any more about that. The frontrow once again don't mind and the praise their idol of high C vocal cords like they did before with the grey eminence of Doomfoxx. 

No, no, the Darkness really know how to do their job, very professionally, and they certainly know to play their instruments. But it is the voice of Mr. Hawkins, which made this band to something extraordinary. For him it's not hard to overjump 3 octaves in one second. And when he trys a bit harder, then he could easily get an entry in the book of records. It's the Rightous Brothers still holding this record with their Unchcained Melody since 1966. But while those do this thing at only one song, Justin Hawkins lets his voice go up almost in every tune, they are playing. And like we use to say over here - too much goodies ain't too good sometimes. And the Queen of the Night doing her special singing in Mozart's 'Zauberflöte - (Magic Flute) is vanishing into nirvana compared to the blowing oral artistic showdown of our papagallo here and now.
And thanks god, there is also the mentioned before visual aspect, which is doing a lot  to make all those hands going up again in the air and showing all the enthusiasm you could possibly get.
The Darkness have another problem. They have had one big hit single. the pronaunciation lies on 'one'. And they still go for  'I Believe' and more, but if there ain't anything equal is coming up soon, I for my part believe nothing anymore in this fast living musicbiz. And the Darkness go back into the jungle of thousands of average rockbands.
Okay, it was nice, a little spectacular and a little overdone, but definately not a concert, which has put me out of my shoes. 

The  King on the Road…. pardon - evening was in any case somebody else, at least what's up to the most female attention. But this was aftershow and doesn't belong here, does it.... ?!! It’s all only Rock’n’Roll & we like it.... that's for sure...

More Live Pics of  The Darkness you find  here