Charlie please let the dolls dance, as we say so over here. Come on, make, that we jump up for joy. Let us sweat and breath hard and sing along with you. The spirit of the seventies has intercourse with the present. And Charlie proves once more, that beeing 60 something he still beats all those youngsters easily. But before that, Ian Knox of the Vibrators, who is just about the same age like Charlie, does the same thing. Holy shite including all these spiky hairdressings, who are here tonight in this hut, I'm not lying, what's up to the body condition of those gentelmen - I swear. 
And yes, they are still existing, those punkfans, who put their hair up with wallpaper clue to sharp edges, - so hot, that you almost need a weapon licence for it. 
Last time Charlie Harper and his U.K.Subs,with the Vibrators supporting as well, - was in Munich, was in march 2005. So I did describe already how colourful and powerful the performances of these punk relicts of the seventies can be. Jes... every other thrash or whatsoever group disappears in the shade compared to this here. The big bang hot a push up in the back, rolls over and explodes with a huge blessing.
Charlie is the living prove, that he can beat every heavy metal band with his energy and not beeing much exhausted either. And above that, not like all the other artists, who've got their mineralwater on stage for refreshments inbetween, Charlie rather prefers his beer. And at least 10 bottles of delicious bavarian lager are waiting in the back for him to be consumed during this rollercoaster. 


And Charlie shows no mercy and goes for it aprox. every five minutes to be even fitter afterwards swinging his mic. The fans are getting slowly nuts, and in deep devotion some are climbing up on stage to touch their idol, - get married to the cabel salad on the ground, roll over and jump back again in the audiance.


On the right on stage a choir of fans has positioned  themselves to smeter along the Ave Maria of Punk. Only when a too enthusiastic fan started to show his best piece to everybody, Charlie knocks him down and back into the crowd, whereby he kisses the ground himself. Never mind, Punk ain't no sophisticated music, but therefore no compromising and real hard stuff. And you just have got to calculate with such interruptions. Fuck off... Charlie thinks and takes the next bottle beer, - cheers - and puts the most innocent smile on his face he is able to. 

By the way, the Vibrators take the challenge as well what's up to the musical power taifun. 

The Vibrators

Non these guys go along with the headliner. It's just the fans, who haven't got in the 100% full rage during the early support slot yet. Whereby the 'early' is a matter of personal view. The Vibrators go on stage just before 10 p.m. starting the set with their hitsingle 'Automatic Lover' and finish with another one, named 'Judy Says (Knock You In The Head) followed by 'Disco In Mosco'. They come back for one more song, which is a hommage to the Ramones 'Gina Is A Punkrocker'.



The U.K. Subs go for a well done mixture of all their outputs over so many years. For instance the albums
Another Kind Of Blues" (1979)  „Brand New Age"(1980) „Crash Course" (1980) „Diminished Responsibility"  (1981)  „Endangered Species" (1982) „Riot"    (1997)  „Sub Mission"  (1999)
and now also the current CD '666 Yeah'. But it doesn't actually matter what Charlie Harper, Nicky Garrett and Alvin Gibbs are performing. The fact, that their punk seems like the battle of Waterloo  is enough to let the spiky hairstyle  beat the rhythm.
That's it! once again we have read a chapter of the coran and say thank you to Charlie, Ian and Co. who convinced us once again, that punk music is still alive and still the hardest and most brutal artform in live performances - without dot and comma,close to a heart attack - 'till next time.
hey Charlie, come on,  you're not settling down, will you in a long while. Hopefully and cheers of course.... We always got a delicious beer left over here.