In Tyrol, Austria, where I'm originally come from we have a certain rather scary custom every year on Dec.5. Exspecially on the countryside in all these villages and smaller places, on this day after the evening church bells have been ringing, the so called Krampusse are coming to get you and frighten you do death. Krampus is another dialect word for devil, and it's men dressed up like on the pic below. They mostly look awful frightning with their red and green sparkling eyes and the long horns, which symbolisise the devil. So they go out with their chains and whenever they get someone,they beat him up painfully (not too much though, so you could be injured, but I can asure you, it hurts) But noone in this area will ever feel any pity, because as we say so: if you hadn't gonne out that night, they wouldn't have got you.

A typical tyrolean  Krampus or Devil

Tonight this action here exactly reminds me about this costum, when the pseudo devils of Gorgoroth have arrived here straight from hell... sorry from Norway of course, to frighten us off.

& here we've got the  gorgoroth equivilant -
there is some similarity ain't there?

Just about 300 black sould have gathered here, whereby I have to say, compared to the last visit of Gorgoroth, the flaming magic has gone for some smaller candles. I couln't tell you, wheter this is due to a certain mood of the gorgoroth underworld,or the result of an order by Munichs authorities. 
In any case, all we got here tonight is a fashionable black in black with a touch black in various shades, suiting to the aura.
All these kiddies are made up with exotic pentagrams and headstanding crosses, and now and then a sexy skull is blinking out of a jacket. Satan's fanclub has come together for a happy go lucky rendevouz with a blood driven cheers, thanks to the inventor of Ketchup. Coco Chanel Make up in a very pale shade and some pink rouge is the latest trend in those circles, I've been told so. So actually the black mass can start off, and will be opened up from Castus and Pollux who are named Sycronomica and Tyrant really. Oh by the way, Cerberus has cancelled his appearance tonight, who is in other words - Enthroned.  

Okidok, and here we got the first Black Metal delinquints, who even got sort of a home bonus as they are from Munich here. Yes indeed, there is a scene beside the very catholic Bavaria. What's up to this lot so they don't pray a prayer for the past 11 years. But compared to their collegues, the single members have pretty normal names like Olli, Florian, Chris, Jo, Michi and Nick. They are just about to take a sun bath under the rather spare limelights in here. Taking pictures develops into a piece of art. They've got 2 records so far - 'Paths' from 2004 and 'Gate' from 2006, including a few additional spells.http://www.sycronomica.de/

The first chapter is spoken and the second is entitled 'Tyrant' from Sweden. Please don't mix 'em up with the german, irish, english,australien and american Tyrants, who do exist. It took me half of an eternity to find the right website, but here we go: http://www.myspace.com/officialtyrant. That's the one playing here tonight for sure

With this lot, you realize actually, why scandinavians luv to come here so much. The reason is the liquid gold named beer, which is so terribly expensive up there. In our case here frontman Mr. Bragman holds his bottle during the whole set, as if he's scared, someone could take it from him away. Oh yes, he luv's it and seems to be really happy all about it. With their CD 'The Rebirth', Tyrant are trying to get a little piece of the Gorgoroth cake. They are obviously trying hard to get their dark studies done by time. But as well as the first band, they do not have endless space of time and gotta go off again. 
And now quickly six candles are enlightened, that the dark landscape of the country Morder from Lord of the Rings can come along. And that landscape is named Gorgoroth. 

Holy shit including all tyrolean plum devils, but the competition is dangerous spreading pepper onto Orpheus arse. Thanks to perfect make up, it' not really recognizable, that the line up slightly has changed. Some minor differences has led to a divorce between singer Gaahl andbassist King towards guitarist Infernus. Now those two first mentioned ones have recruited  guestmusicians  Teloch (1349), Sykelig and Nick Barker (Testament, Benediction) to pull through this hell trip. Meanwhile Infernus is filing a courtcase because of the name rights. It was also him beeing accused of rape and whatsoever a few years ago. But the other one's didn't do much better, as Gaahl was prosecuted to 4 months jail for body harming. The press put those crimes to the satanic attitude of those guys. But they strictly denie this. However negative press is also promotion - no business is like showbusiness ain't it?!
I do not really believe that these guys are celebrating black masses, as much as I'm convinced, that most of the kids in the audiance don't have a clue what it's all about with this underworld culture. But main important thing is, that we are all dressed up in black showing a Gorgoroth logo with a turned over cross and whatsoever....

Meanwhile Mr. Gaahl is doing his usual kind of sports which consists of reaching out his left or right arm, showing the two devil horn-fingers. The soundstructures battle across the venue and thanks to the immens sound level and norwegian accent, the only spoken word outta this, which is just about to make out, is, Satan, Satan and again Satan... Yeah, yeah, it's okay, we know it by now. 
By the way Gorgoroth are real good in posing. They know exactly how to put themselves in the right light. And out of my photographic view, they are almost topmodels with their unique Zombie Look. My camera says thank you. Although these five devils sons in law seem not to be in their best mood tonight, because the go off after about 60 minutes, and there ain't no more satanic verse anymore.Yeah okay, I have to confess, I'm not too sad about it. But despite the, only to a certain point bearable performance, Freedy Krugers nephews did offer us, it honestly got some entertainment factor. Jes.... we had a good laugh, didn't we.... The devil says hello whether it's from Tyrol or Norway and this for the next eternity - amen. 
