Eric Martin
This Picture, he's holding here, was taken here - about
1 year ago. It's the prove - he ain't ageing..... und das
mit fast 50.... http://www.ericmartin.com

click Logo for official Website

Munich,  Sept. 25  2009

Second spring has just started.....

Live Review  -  deutsch  -  english

Paul Gilbert
..... in a very very good mood.... :-))))
Er redet nur nicht so gern und nicht so viel......

Patrick Torpey
a great drummer - a nice guy....

Billy Sheehan 
Victory.... - he's the man....
thanks for knowing you now more than 20 years.....
(unser kleiner Small Talk ist bei Interviews 
zu finden)  
(our little small talk can be found in the Interviews  section)

Erich Schachtner
great german guitarist
sorry, dass ich Dich diesmal verpasst hab' im Vorpgrogramm
Sorry, I missed out on you this time....

a very sophisticated tourmanager
thank you very much indeed

Tina weiß genau, wie man's macht.... und wenn man dabei eine
Kletterpartie hinlegen muss.......

My friend
Tina knows exactly how to do it... even you gotta take a climb....

Thorsten unser Promoter
Da lacht das alte Räuberherz - merci'...

Lisa & Robert & Billy Sheehan in the middle
Robert hat übrigens auch eine Band - www.agnesjung.de