Whit Crane  -  He is Ugly Kid Joe
a little older, a little wiser and still very selfconfident
for our little small talk 
(Streaming Audiofile via WMP - starting with a short Music Intro) 

click Cover for official Website

Munich, June 19  2012
Feierwerk - Hansapalast

back again after more than 15 Years......

Live Review  -  deutsch  -  english  

die hübsche Vertretung von Shannon Larkin namens Yael
What a hell of a drummer

Cordell Crocket  (Bass)
with the band from the very beginning....

Tourmanager & Merch Man Luke
don't worry, be happy

Austrian Girl-Power
Tina  &  Jay

There was no real need for that one
sehen aber ganz nett aus....

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