Robert Westerholt (Git)
...fast wie Right Said Fred.... hey, ich hab gesagt - nur fast!!!!
almost like .... but only almost, okay?!!!

and all together now.....

click logo for more info

15. Feb. 2005 Munich Tonhalle

Sharon Del Adel -
a little different compared to - onstage....

Ruud Jolie (git)
he's got this special little something in his eyes.....

Reviews  deutsch

Jeroen van Veen (Bass)

Martijn Spierenburg (keyb.)
nice hairstyle  !!!

Karl-Friedrich in seinem Element 
ich mein nat., wenn's ums Autogramme sammeln geht....

Michael & Stephan van Haestregt (drums)
clickt auch mal auf Michaels Homepage....

The next generation of Fans  ... & Bands
Und einer ist immer der Hahn im Korb

always quite impressing - the cathedral (Dom)

09. 02. 2005 Köln (Cologne) Hilton Hotel

it's nice seeing ya' again, Percy

....is past tense - for good......
um es zum 100.000ersten Mal zu betonen

Robert Plant
He's having a new album out soon!

VÖ: 25.April - "Mighty Rearranger"

for the entire interview please click