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Curiosities & Flashlights

All Time Favorite Song   >>>
The Cascades  'Rhythm Of The Falling Rain'


For a little education in Country Music History
please click Logo

>>>   &    Johnny Rivers 'Secret Agent Man'

click on pic and watch & listen to one of the funniest
 Radio DJ's ever, - the legendary
Chuck Geiger at
 KFRC San Francisco. You don't know him? - 
Never mind, just have a look. It's heavenly!  If we
 had DJ's like him in Europe, -  radio would be fun
 to listen again.....  (2 min. download time)
But it's worth it...

This is a  true Rock'n'Roll ad - Forever

click logo and watch.... it's phantastic....

If ever Aliens would discover us and our planet -
 the effect would be about the same, as the 
discovery of America by Kolumbus. And that 
one didn'd do any good to the natives, did it?... 
 Stephan Hawkings

alive and kickin'

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miss you  - + 16.05. 2010

miss ya even more  -  Sina  + 16.07. 2010

Sixties Rock'n'Roll Band - Mam & Dad
click cover for enlargement