good to see you again, and thank you for knowing your music since the Seventies and knowing you
now for 18 years, starting off backstage at Wembley Arena
after a Magnum Show......

               RUSS BALLARD

Munich 06.09. 2006

.... he is still going very well after so 
    many years.... - one of the best songwriters ever...

                                 no kiddin'

Live Review - deutsch

Please listen to some comments of Russel
  concerning some of his songs released by other artists
                     (streaming Audiofile - WMP)

                          Chris & Steve - the Rhythmsection
  Beer & Jägermeister at once....  dun know about that !

Management  & Plattenfirma
alles unter einem Hut

Unsere  Biggy
immer an vorderster Front in Sachen Promotion

Die Schweizer Fan-Delegation

Claudio -
Point Music war auch vertreten

Tina - with the Band

back again on the surface 

Georg & Alex
bzw. Abendzeitung & Global Concerts

Sackermann & Söhne

Alex & Martin
bzw. Heavy Magazin meets Samson Fanclub

Oliver (www.artistworxx.de) Tom+ ?+Bernd (Bright Eyes) & Mr. Musix

 Rockantenne meets Bayrischen Rundfunk 

Thank you for staying in touch over all these years


Carl Verheyen

click cover for official Website

03. 09. 2006
Habach - Village

Live Review - deutsch

Supertramp was yesterday and is maybe tomorrow again!
Meanwhile it's Carl - only -
und war er auch schon vorher  und während und abgesehen
von Supertramp...

and yep - he is 52 years young....
und schaut aus wie 42....

at least now we know where Habach is......
Thanx for a good night out Carl...

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Unsere Die Hard - Habach Village Konzert Fans
See you soon again....